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Applications of Computer Vision in Healthcare

Applications of Computer Vision in Healthcare

Computer vision has emerged as a game-changing technology with multifaceted applications in various industries. To site an example, it has transformed the retail industry by enabling self-checkout kiosks and automated inventory management. Another industry that it has revolutionized profoundly is automotive by facilitating the working of advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), connected cars and autonomous […]

Supervised Learning vs Unsupervised Learning in Machine Learning 

Supervised Learning vs Unsupervised Learning in Machine Learning 

In today’s competitive era, businesses need to undergo continuous improvement to keep up with customer expectations. They strive to make their operations, offerings etc. smarter and easier as a cost-effective measure, by using machine learning algorithms. For example, introduction of facial recognition in Samsung smartphones as a security feature and using machine learning for credit […]

Intelligent Video Analytics in Surveillance

Exploring Intelligent Video Analytics in Surveillance

What is Intelligent Video Analytics?  Video Analysis or Video Content Analytics (VCA) refers to the process of extracting useful information from video files, such as identifying stationary or moving objects or individuals (biometric security) under observation, counting people, detecting threats or intruders, reading license plates etc. Intelligent video analytics is an amalgam of computer vision […]

Types of Neural Networks in Deep Learning 

Different Types of Neural Networks in Deep Learning 

Neural networks, a sub-discipline of deep learning, were basically developed to mimic the human brain functioning. These complex computational models consist of various interconnected processing units called nodes, also known as neurons, similar to those present at the end of axons in the brain that are capable of processing and transmitting data, recognising hierarchical patterns, […]

Applications and Benefits of License Plate Recognition Systems Banner

Applications and Benefits of License Plate Recognition Systems 

License Plate Recognition (LPR) Systems capture, process and enhance the quality of license plate images of passing vehicles. These images are then interpreted using firmware containing Optical Character Recognition based pattern identification algorithms. Also commonly known as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Systems, these digital character reading systems have been benefiting various industries. While the […]

Computer Vision Face Recognition Blog Image

Real-world Applications of Computer Vision Face Recognition Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Language form the underlying foundation for machines to become capable of thinking, sorting useful data and acting like human beings. The umbrella of AI encompasses Computer Vision (CV) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques which are the basis for developing Facial Recognition (FR) technology.   Deep diving into the role of CV in […]