Computer Vision & Image Processing Services
Building Next-gen Smart Products with Computer Vision
Computer Vision Technology & Digital Image Processing Services are taking the center stage accentuating the process of useful information extraction from images, videos, and associated data. At KritiKal, we take pride in designing superior algorithms for achieving maximum achievable accuracy and run-time performance. Our Human-level Performance of Computer Vision AI offerings includes Real-Time Video processing & Image Analysis solutions, Data Labeling, Real-Time Human / Object Detection, Automated Testing, and HITL (Human in the Loop) Services. Our Computer Vision services include the selection of Imaging Sensors, Cameras, and Image Digitization Circuitry, Lighting, Placement and Mounting, and choosing the right processing platform for computer vision and Image processing software development and integration with other electronic or electro-mechanical systems. Combined with our strength in Embedded Systems, we offer the capability to design and develop ‘embedded-vision systems and camera internal electronics as well. Algorithms are designed from scratch in C++/C or other suitable languages, KritiKal internal modules/libraries, as well as by using tools such as MATLAB (for quick proof of concepts) and OpenCV (open source) among others. As one of the high-end computer vision companies, we are committed to deliver advanced algorithms and outsource top image processing web services in India to automate business applications & improve business processes.
Service Offerings

Point, Line &
Edge Detection
Point, line and edge detection are certain basic image processing techniques useful in preprocessing, feature extraction and different applications. Point detection refers to detection of a set interest points within an image which can be used to represent the image. Edge detection is an image processing technique for detecting the discontinuities in brightness in an image. Line detection is a technique that takes a collection of edge points and finds all the lines on which these edge points lie. At KritiKal Solutions, we employ point, line & edge detection algorithms to process images for preprocessing and feature extraction in various applications such as skin and healthcare and text detection.

Image Pre-processing, Enhancement & Restoration
Image enhancement and restoration aim towards making the image more easily processable. This can be through contrast enhancement, sharpening, smoothing, or removal of different types of noise using different image processing filters. Image preprocessing is a series of image processing steps that aid in making the image ready for processing for a specific application. For example, the preprocessing for skin analysis would be very different from that of OCR (Document Image Processing). It involves not just image enhancement, and noise removal but also various operations like image resizing, morphological correction, and connected component analysis.

Image Registration
Commonly images are captured under various variable conditions which may cause misalignment. The Image registration technique helps in aligning two or more images of the same scene. Image registration is the process of aligning two or more images acquired at different times, from different sensors, and from different viewpoints. It is the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system. At KritiKal, we employ various algorithms for image registration to align images, be they satellite images, medical image analysis, or from different Computer Vision applications.

Image Segmentation
This involves partitioning of an image into a set of segments (set of pixels). Image segmentation is commonly employed to identify objects and delineate boundaries, which could include lines, curves, and more. To be more precise, image segmentation is the technique of assigning a label to each pixel within an image in a way that pixels sharing the same label exhibit specific shared characteristics or attributes. These could be based on color, texture, intensity or other features.
We at KritiKal perform Image Segmentation to simplify the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. This forms the basis for numerous computer vision applications such as object detection ,classification, OCR, lane detection, face detection & recognition, medical image analysis.

Image & Video Analysis
The growing amount of image and video content combined with the diversity of the applications require some form of visual interpretation. Through Image and Video analysis, the visual information can be interpreted, which further helps in making informed decisions, classification, analysis and much more. KritiKal Solutions leverages advances in image & video analysis for a variety of applications such as image feature representation for machine learning, image content analysis and indexing, image quality assessment.

Feature Analysis & Tracking
Feature analysis involves capturing a piece of information that is relevant for solving the computational task related to a certain application. Features may be specific structures in an image like points, edges, or objects. In Feature Tracking, the extracted features can be tracked over multiple frames. At KritiKal, we apply advanced Computer Vision APIs, Machine Learning, and Image Processing algorithms for feature analysis & tracking.

3-D Geometry
The real-world is all about three-dimensional shape. One of the ways of describing a 3D object is by approximating or assuming its shape as a mesh of triangles. At KritiKal, we model real-world objects, and many other physical quantities and offer solutions around your problems.

Signal Processing
Signal processing is both an art and a scientific discipline that involves the manipulation of acquired time-series data to facilitate analysis or improve its quality and usability. The goal of DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) is usually to measure, filter or compress continuous real-world analog signals. We use signal processing techniques to emphasize, detect or manipulate components of interest in a measured signal, especially multimedia signals.
Community Tools Supported
The Computer Vision & Image Processing practice at KritiKal comprises of experts who have worked on various open source and proprietary business intelligence tools, some of which are outlined below:

Computer Vision Use Cases

Object Detection & Tracking

Face Recognition

Posture Detection

Stock Monitoring

Image Classification / Segmentation

Video Analytics