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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Making Driving Safer with Innovative Technologies

By utilizing our rich experience in Optical Character Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Video Analytics and other vision based technologies we have developed a software that aids in traffic and road sign recognition, which is an important component of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Automatic identification and classification of road signs helps in directing drivers thereby ensuring a vigilant drive.

Service Offerings

Works Across Varying Light Conditions
Sign identification in various lighting conditions ranging from very dark to very bright conditions

Variable-sized Road Signs
Detection of variable-sized road signs ranging from 35×35 to 210×210 pixels

Variable-shaped Road Signs
Detection of variable shaped road signs like Circular, Angular etc.; the shapes of the signs depend on the angle at which the images of the signs have been taken

Variably-colored Road Signs
Identification of variably colored road signs: Road signs like ‘No-Left Turn’, ‘No-Right turn’, and ‘Stop’ invariably appear in different shades of red color
Detection of Low-contrast Input Images
Detection of low contrast input images: This could be due to motion blur, the lighting conditions etc.
Classified Sign Detection
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for classified sign detection

Image Segmentation
Image segmentation based on color slicing, adaptive thresholding and shape detection
Color Notation for Smart Display
Color notation used to display the signs, in particular, green for ‘No-Right Turn’, blue for ‘No-Left Turn’ and red for ‘Stop’